Head Boy's Blog

Name: Sahaj Falod

Post: Head Boy

"Leadership and Learning are indispensable of each other"

-John F. Kennedy

Greetings to one and all I, Sahaj Falod of class XII-B is contesting for the post of Head BoyILS for the past 12 years has been a learning ground for me. It has developed my personality and made me who i am today. One does not become a leader overnight, it is a quality which instills itself in someone gradually overtime. More importantly it is a learning process which i have been a part of right since i could stand for elections.

The journey from House prefect of Cauvery to the Vice Head Boy of this prestigious institution has been a phenomenal one. It has taught me a lot of things and now its my time to help it in any and every way possible. If there is one thing this pandemic has taught me its no matter how much we complain, deep down we all love and miss school. A lot of things which i had in my mind could not be executed last academic year due to the sudden pandemic.

If i am elected as the Head Boy i would give my 100% for a potential sports week later in this academic year provided the situation goes back to normal. Along with the sports week, An Annual day/Athletic meet would be my top priorities in the event of an offline school.

In the scenario of an online school i would try and arrange a Virtual Talent Pool, more MUNs (Model United Nations) for the students and Counselling sessions, especially from the OSAILS, for the students.
